The Master Athlete…
…the most complete fitness and wellness program for the 50 plus crowd!
Dear Reader,
I’ve put together what I feel is the most complete fitness training program you can find on the internet.
Here’s what it includes…
- A barbell training program that will allow you to develop a substantial foundation of strength over the course of six months
- Intermediate and advanced barbell and dumbbell training to help you achieve your further muscle and strength goals
- Mobility training, including static and dynamic stretching and yoga
- Meditation training to help you become more focused and relaxed in your everyday life
- Conditioning and breath work to improve your heart and lung function
- Diet and Nutrition guidance
This program was developed through my own experience training as an athlete, martial artist, and an athlete of aging, i.e., Master Athlete.
Like many of you reading this, I’ve been through the peaks and valleys of health and fitness and found myself overweight in my mid-fifties.
As I entered my mid-fifties, we experienced a global pandemic that preyed primarily upon the elderly and obese.
During this time I’ve also watched people close to me lose most of their mobility due to lack of physical training during their lifetimes and the process of aging.
I realized that with my experience I have quite a bit to offer and decided to put together this program for anyone interested in getting better control over their own health and fitness as they advance in years.
Why listen to me?
I’m really nobody special. I don’t have a six pack and I can’t bench press 400 pounds.
I’m not a personal trainer, a doctor or a Crossfit Athlete.
I’m just a regular dude who is 58 years old.
With that said, I am hyper focused on my own personal health, and I hate going to doctor appointments and hospitals.
And, I am one of THOSE people who does his own research.
Everything I’ve put together here is the result of my own experiences.
From age 8 to 18, I swam competitively.
During that time, I played baseball, golf and I skied.
I became good enough at golf to earn a Division I college scholarship to play at William and Mary.
After my competitive playing days, I took up the study of Pai Lum, a martial art rooted in traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and Okinawan Kenpo.
I trained in Pai Lum until my mid 40s when I decided it would be cool to teach golf as a side hustle.
I stopped teaching actively years ago, but I realized that many of my students didn’t train to improve their physical capabilities whatsoever.
This impeded their ability to improve their golf game.
Fast forward to 2020.
By now I hadn’t trained in Pai Lum for years, I had not had my own gym equipment for ten years and I was out of shape.
However, my wife and I had just bought a house and I purchased my equipment since I had space for it for the first time in years.
My timing couldn’t have been better, as the Covid pandemic hit weeks later and prices for this equipment went through the roof!
The scary part was this…
While I had no equipment for years, I at least worked out somewhat regularly.
These were mainly P90X related workouts in my apartment, as I had a set of adjustable dumbbells and a pull-up bar.
However, the day I put my new gym equipment together and decided to give it a quick test drive, I couldn’t believe how weak I had become.
I put 135 pounds in the bench press rack and managed 4 measly reps. That used to be a warm up weight!
I knew I had work to do.
Since then, I’ve learned a ton about training with barbells, and general fitness.
All of my experiences as an athlete and training in different disciplines has allowed me to put together a comprehensive fitness program that can benefit anyone, at virtually any age.
The Benefits
As I mentioned above, this program includes…
- A barbell training program designed to get you very strong within six to twelve months
- Mobility training, including static and dynamic stretching and yoga
- Meditation training to help you become more focused and relaxed in your everyday life
- Conditioning for improved heart and lung function
- Diet and Nutrition guidance
To get the most out of this program, you WILL need access to proper equipment… mainly Olympic Barbells and a power rack with lat pulldown and pull-up bar. A stationary bike would also be ideal.
The program is presented through twelve modules containing a mix of pdf files and video right here on this website.
It is designed to take you from where you are now, to a better, stronger, healthier you.
Once you get through the training, you’ll have all the information you need to continue to better yourself in the years ahead.
Disclaimer: This training will eventually get pretty intense. If you have some physical issues, get checked out by a doctor, and get access to coaching on the lifts.
Your Investment
Before I get to your investment in this program, consider these other typical costs…
A personal trainer at a regular gym will likely cost you $30 to $40 per session.
A private personal trainer will cost you upwards of $75 per session.
Online personal training will typically run at least $150 per month.
With all that in mind, the training program I have put together for you is a massive bargain at just $97 per month for a total of twelve months.
If you follow it closely, you will be unable to avoid developing yourself as a stronger, healthier and more capable human.
As you complete each month of training, you’ll build a foundation of strength and overall fitness, and you’ll be healthier than you’ve been in years.
Also, you have full email support while you are in the program. I typically respond within 24 hours.
Get Started
There is no time like the present to get started on this journey.
You can literally get started within minutes of signing up.
And, if at any time you find that this training is not for you, you can simply unsubscribe, with no questions asked.
Remember, you also receive full email support if you have any questions. I typically respond within 24 hours.
To get access to Module 1 on the Members Area page, just click on the Paypal Button to the right.