Strength training is the best exercise medicine

In a previous post, I discussed the Sick Aging Phenotype. The Sick Aging Phenotype is a person who is beset by a whole host of maladies, not the least of which is Metabolic Syndrome. So what is the best way to turn around the Sick Aging Phenotype, or better yet, avoid it altogether? Exercise. Exercise [...]

Why the squat should be in your strength training program

The squat is the best exercise for developing overall, general strength.  There is simply no other exercise that is as effective. It is also an exercise that even experienced gym goers tend to avoid. The squat is often misunderstood and maligned by the personal training community. I've seen plenty of actual trainers on social media offer [...]

The benefits of strength training

I truly believe that strength training is the best form of exercise for living a quality life. While individuals who've been more involved with cardio exercise, such as running or biking for most of their lives tend to have greater longevity than most, stronger people seem to break down less with age. Naturally, there are [...]

The workout and diet roller coaster

I read a friend's post on Facebook today about the workout/diet roller coaster she's been on over the years. Today she commented that she did six workouts last week.  I think she is doing a mix of Pilates and some cardio. A friend congratulated her on her workouts, to which she made the reply about [...]

By |2024-11-18T21:09:25-05:00November 18th, 2024|Categories: Fitness, Health, Strength training|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Training Vs Exercise

If you are like me, somewhat obsessed with fitness and over 40 years old (I am pushing 60 now), you are likely familiar with P90X. The P90X fitness program, created by Tony Horton, came out about twenty years ago. It was all the rage, and even some celebrities notably worked out with that program. P90X [...]

Principles of Strength Training

Anyone past the age of 30 should start to incorporate strength training into their fitness routine.  However, after the age of 50, strength training takes on even more significance. At this point, if we haven’t been training, we’ve already lost about 10% of our muscle mass, and maybe more.  That loss of muscle mass begins [...]

The best exercise is the one you will do – However

I get emails from Mark Sisson a couple times a week, and today he mentioned this gem... the best exercise is the one you will do. That is spot on. However, for most people, there needs to be an additional form of exercise to complement the primary one. My favorite form of exercise is lifting [...]

How to determine starting weights for strength training

If you are new to strength training, you will want to start at a conservative weight for each of your primary strength training lifts (squat, deadlift, bench press and overhead press). However, you don't want to start too conservatively, or it will take you a while until you actually feel like you are being tested [...]

By |2024-08-22T00:16:05-04:00August 20th, 2024|Categories: Fitness, Quality of Life, Strength training|Tags: , |0 Comments

Strength training and the novice linear progression

Learning the Deadlift I've lifted weights off and on since I was kid.  People who know me well might find this funny, because until recently, it never looked like I ever lifted any weights. But, I digress. While I've lifted weights off and on since I was a kid, I never had a [...]

Another benefit of strength training – shorter ICU stays

Everyone knows that regular cardio exercise is highly beneficial, and lowers your risk of mortality. What most people don't realize is that strength training offers similar benefits. Regularly doing both cardio exercise and strength training will lower your mortality risk even more than just cardio exercise. Unfortunately, far fewer people do regular strength training compared [...]

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