Bitcoin is all the rage again these days, after the crypto currency blasted through $20,000, $30,000 and then $40,000 in the last month.

Not surprisingly, everyone and their grandmother wants in on the action.

Here’s a piece of advice…

When everyone and their grandmother wants to buy something, whether it is a stock like Tesla, gold, a house, or in this case, Bitcoin, it is very likely that the current price run is over.

The people buying now are the suckers.

I personally have no idea what the future holds for Bitcoin.  Perhaps, as some people have suggested, its value will one day be $1 million or more.

But, I caution the average person against trying to jump on the bandwagon without learning how to trade first.

Also, don’t feel that you risk missing the boat completely just because you didn’t buy Bitcoin at $100, $1,000 or even $10,000.

There is always another opportunity in some other market or investment just around the corner, or even right in front of you today.

You simply need to learn how to do your own homework so you can learn how to spot those opportunities and then execute a plan to invest or trade in that opportunity.

On this website, I’ve listed a few of my favorite trading books that you can find on Amazon…click here… Trading Resources.

Or, you can check out my trading related website… Tactical Trading Research.

Thanks for reading!