About a month ago, a sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden by a woman named Tara Reade began to appear on social media and in minor news outlets.

Reade claimed she was sexually assaulted by Biden back in 1993 when she worked on his staff.  She apparently worked for Biden for about eight months, but then left.

Reade previously had accused Biden of sexual harrassment, but more recently, suggested that Biden actually assaulted her by penetrating her with his fingers.

Because the incident occurred so long ago, most people are naturally skeptical of such a claim.  The question is always “why now” when the accused has attained some level of prominence.

However, in this age of the MeToo movement, there is clearly a difference in how these accusations are handled by Democrats and their allies in the media, Hollywod and other places.

During his presidential campaign, President Trump, known for his womanizing, was accused by a long list of women of inappropriate advances.  Fuel to the fire was added when an audiotape came out just prior to the election with Trump’s now notorious “grab ’em by the pussy” comment.

Shortly after his inauguration, the Women’s March descended on Washington, DC with many women wearing pink hats in reference to the comment.

Now we have an allegation against Joe Biden that accuses him of just such an act, but, until two days ago, crickets.  I’ll circle back to this.

Back in 2018, as Judge Brett Kavanaugh was about to go through the Senate confirmation process, a woman by the name of Christine Blasey-Ford leveled an allegation against him that he assaulted her in high school over thirty years prior.

Blasey-Ford was represented by a high powered DC legal team, so many on the right were skeptical.

The media ran with stories for weeks, and people like Michael Avenatti achieved their 15 minutes of fame as a result.

The problem is, Blasey-Ford could provide no evidence that she had actually even met Brett Kavanaugh.

She could not remember the date of the incident, or even the neighborhood.

The people she claimed were at the party when the incident occurred did not back up her story.  Members of her family denied ever knowing about the incident.

In other words, Blasey-Ford could not provide any corroborating evidence that the incident occurred.

It was clear to many on the right that this was a political hit job.  Blasey-Ford set up a gofundme campaign and raised over $1 million.  She has effectively not been heard from since.

Fast forward to the Tara Reade allegation against Joe Biden…

It was almost immediately dismissed by the MeToo movement.

Actress Alyssa Milano, who literally attended the Kavanaugh hearings (effectively making her a leader of the MeToo movement), announced her support for Joe Biden after hearing of the Tara Reade allegations.  The response on Twitter was epic, and she has been quite silent in recent days.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media largely ignored the story.

That is, until this past Friday.

In interviews with The Intercept and other outlets, Reade had claimed that she had told her mother, her brother and a friend about the assault around the time it occurred.

Both her brother and friend (who remains anonymous) confirmed that Reade had told them about the incident at the time.

Reade’s mother passed away in 2016, but her brother friend confirmed she had indeed told her mother at the time.

In interviews with The Intercept, Reade claimed that her mother had called into the Larry King show at some point after she had discussed the assault with her.  She could not remember the date, or year of the call, and King kept the callers names anonymous.

Ryan Grim, the journalist at The Intercept, mentioned the call during an interview.  He had been unable to find the call in his research, but a listener to that podcast interview as able to find it and sent it to him.

On that Larry King Live show, an anonymous caller phones in from the town where Reade’s mother was living at the time, San Luis Obispo, and describes an incident that occurred involving her daughter and a prominent senator.

This was in August 1993, the year of the alleged incident.

When this all came out on Friday, it began to take hold on Twitter, and now even a former advisor to Hillary Clinton has suggested that Biden needs to step down (he did the same with Kavanaugh and Trump, so his opinion should be taken with a grain of salt).

Even CNN opinionator Chris Cilliza suggests that Biden needs to address the issue himself.  To date, no one has asked him any direct questions about the allegation.

Then, this morning it was revealed that the tape of the Larry King show that had the call from Reade’s mother has disappeared from the Google Play catalog.

In other words, someone doesn’t want the general public to hear that tape.

So let’s summarize the differences in the media response to the Tara Reade allegations against Joe Biden, which appear to be at least somewhat credible, and those against Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Christine Blasey-Ford could never even prove that she had met Brett Kavanaugh.  She could not remember the time or the neighborhood where the alleged incident occurred, and the other people she claimed were present, denied being there.

That’s just for starters.  There were many other holes in her story.  Yet, people like Michael Avenatti became overnight celebrities due to the media frenzy surrounding Blasey-Ford’s allegations.

When the Tara Reade allegation came out, it was reported that she was on Joe Biden’s senate staff.  She could prove that she knew him.

She told other people at the time of the incident in various details about what occurred.  They all confirmed that she told them.  Yet, the media response was virtual silence.

Now, her story is being at least somewhat corroborated by the actual call to the Larry King Live show back in 1993 from an anonymous caller who described an incident involving her daughter and a prominent senator.

The media is now taking notice, but still trying to sweep it under the rug.

I am a true believer in the ideal of “innocent until proven guilty.”  This is how I will treat this allegation against Biden, and I seriously doubt it could ever be proven.

With that said, Tara Reade’s allegations are more credible by leaps and bounds than Blasey-Ford’s allegations.

It will be interesting to see where this all goes.