In my experience, most people are good people.  In fact, I can honestly say I’ve only run into a handful of truly bad people in my 54 years on this planet.

Yet, if you watch the news on TV, or read the news in the popular media outlets online, you would think that just under half of the people in our country are evil.

I read an interesting article this evening about media manipulation in the George Floyd case.  It discusses how the media channels us into taking sides on certain topics.

This has been abundantly clear over the last several years, as we’ve been force fed with the idea tha the Orange Man is bad.

And then I watched Tucker Carlson’s monologue this evening about actual statistics of police killing unarmed black people.

Given what is going on in the country this last week, you would think that unarmed black people were being murdered by police on a daily basis.

Yet, as Carlson pointed out, according to statistics being collected by the Washington Post, ten black unarmed black people were killed by police in all of 2019.

Because the number was pretty low, Carlson took it upon himself to briefly discuss each case.  In five cases, the officer(s) were attacked first, and therefore, were not charged.

One case was ruled an accident.  In the other four cases, the officer was criminally charged in two of them.  You can watch Carlson’s full monologue here.

The issue is this… are we being manipulated into thinking that this is far more common than it is?

In 2015, the number of unarmed black people killed by police was much higher… 38.  Since then, the figures have been declining.

This is not to say that we shouldn’t be outraged by the death of George Floyd.  Clearly, what we see on that video is disturbing, and that should never happen again.

However, it’s also clear that the media, pundits, and many politicians like to exploit any situation that can cause racial division as a means to keeping, or gaining power.

I’ve actually seen video of and photos of white people now bowing down to black people in an effort to say they are sorry.  I’ve seen others standing in chains with T-Shirts saying they are sorry.

White people standing in chains apologizing for enslaving people who’ve never been enslaved?

This is media manipulation pure and simple…appealing to the white guilt that some white people clearly have, even though they really have no reason to hold that guilt.

I heard just today that a white lady suggested to her black friend that she really wants to be a better white person.

How about just being a better human being?  Why the hell is there this desire to break it down by race?

Another point that Carlson made tonight was then in 2019, there were just over 1,000 killings of civilians by police.

In about 800 cases, the race of the police officer and victim were known…. 371 of the victims were white, 236 were black, and the majority of all of these victims were armed.

At the same time, 48 police officers were killed in 2019, and that is more than the number of unarmed people killed by police in total.

He didn’t have the figures for 2019, but in 2018, over 7,400 black people were murdered, and they are typically killed by people they know.

Yet, here we are in June 2020.  Our cities are burning because of the horrific death of a black man at the hands of a white police officer.

As a result of the riots that have pervaded throughout the country in the last week, I have noted at least five black people have been murdered so far.

One of those murdered was a 77 year old retired police captain, who was shot in cold blood in front of a pawn shop.

However, much of the media has ignored his story.  It just doesn’t fit the “peaceful protest” narrative they’ve been touting.

Rosenstein Testimony

While all this has been going on, former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testified before the Senate Judiciary committee about his role in the Trump-Russia investigation.

If you recall, we heard endlessly for two years about possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians to win the election.

In fact, what actually happened was that, the story was a complete hoax bought and paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign to smear Trump, enabled by partisans in the FBI and DOJ.

Rosenstein, for his part, basically made it sound like he was a complete idiot, run over by the likes of Andrew McCabe, who wanted to take out Trump.

He acknowledged that if he had known what he knows now, he would not have signed off on the FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

He also would likely not have authorized the Mueller Special Counsel to target Page and George Papadopolous.

The media played a substantial role in building up that fiasco, which completely undermined the Trump presidency.

A US Attorney by the name of John Durham is currently leading a criminal probe into the entire scheme.  Given how Rosenstein threw Andrew McCabe under the bus today, I suspect Durham is looking hard at him.

Possible Clinton Deposition regarding emails

Another story most people knew nothing about is the potential Clinton deposition regarding her emails.

Judicial Watch convinced a judge that many questions still needed to be answered in that case.  Clinton has never effectively been pressed on the issue.

She did testify before the House and the Senate, but never was she questioned under oath in a deposition.

Yesterday, the DC Circuit of Appeals heard the case.  Yet, you probably knew nothing about it.  Why?  Because anything negative about Trump’s opponents must be suppressed.

This is why there is such a fury over the General Flynn case.  The media invested heavily in his prosecution, and for him to walk free is just something they cannot stomach.

If Flynn walks, it is because of the evidence that suggests he was setup by the FBI, and possibly at the orders of Obama himself.

So, here we are in June 2020, five months until election day, and you can bet the media will do everything in its power to manipulate the masses to vote Trump out of office.

And, many in positions of power in DC will applaud that.

Never has one person struck fear into the hearts of the swamp dwellers than Donald Trump.

And that fear crosses party lines.  And this is why it took so long for Lindsey Graham to set up this Rosenstein hearing.

Today, the Senate will vote to determine whether subpoenas will be issued for more FBI and DOJ officials who were involved in the Trump-Russia investigation to testify.

Given that both parties are exposed, there’s a good chance the Senate will vote no.  That would cause tremendous outrage among Trump supporters, but they are hoping he is gone in November anyway.

We’ll see what happens.