Over the last four plus years, I learned alot about the United States.

My single greatest takeaway from the political events of the last four years is this… you have to take charge of your own destiny, and quit waiting for the government to do anything right.

The majority of the people who work in our government do not have our best interests at heart.

Everything that they do, whether it’s the township supervisor, a congressman or senator, or a bureaucrat, is geared toward moving up the government food chain.

What I also learned is that the rules always change.  This has been most evident in various jurisdictions around the country as governments tried to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.

This was also evident on social media with the censoring of conservative voices by Twitter and Facebook.

One person tried to take on these interests, giving up a life of luxury, and foresaking a government salary, to try and make a difference.

While that person is deeply flawed in some ways, he cared enough about the country to try and do better for the people.  Yes, some of you reading this will disagree with that assessment.

That’s life.  We will never all agree all the time.  That would be boring anyway.

But, the fact of the matter is this… our most powerful entities for the last four years had one goal in mind… take out Donald Trump.  And, finally, it looks like they have succeeded.

So, considering that the government, Wall Street, Hollywood, media and social media do not have your best interests at heart, and they constantly change the rules, we need to look after ourselves.

I advise that you start taking the necessary steps to take over more control of your destiny.

First, you need to start taking more control of your investment portfolio.  Over the last twenty years we have experienced three bear markets resulting in losses of 35% or more in the S&P 500.

Yes, the market has bounced back everytime, but at what cost?  The Federal Government how has $25 trillion in debt and the Federal Reserve has $7 trillion on its balance sheet.

The value of the US dollar has declined by 8% since May, and that trend looks like it will continue.  With a new administration coming next year (barring some sort of miracle legal issue involving voter fraud), you can bet DC will embark on another spending spree that will benefit everyone but us.

Therefore, you should learn how to actively manage your portfolio.  If you invest in real estate, be prepared for major changes to the real estate markets going forward.

Second, start taking steps to be prepared to protect yourself and your family.

If there is one thing we’ve learned from the protests and riots that have occurred this year it’s that many local governments are not interested in backing you up.

Do what you need to do to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights.  Start learning the skills necessary to protect yourself.  Buying a gun is not the end all be all.

Third, get yourself in better shape mentally and physically.  Many people are suffering during this pandemic, whether it’s from the Covid-19 virus itself, or the government imposed lockdowns.

There is no guarantee that a vaccine will be completely effective, and there is no guarantee that our society will return to the way things were prior to the pandemic.

Covid-19 is most deadly among people who have other physical issues.  Obesity is the root cause of some of those co-morbidities, such as diabetes, heart disease, etc.

With that in mind, to improve your odds of surving Covid-19, get yourself in better shape.

At this point, given that we are now experiencing over 100,000 positive new tests each day, and hospitalizations have nearly doubled in two months, it’s safe to say the odds of getting infected are pretty high, unless you are a hermit.

Lastly, work on adding income streams aside from your regular job.  Given what our government is willing to do to “keep you safe,” that job is not guaranteed, no matter who you are.

I am repurposing this blog to provide you with information that can help you in all of these areas.

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