Vital PyramidA while back I wrote about The Vital Pyramid as it applies to self defense and combatives.  I believe it’s application is quite relevant in virtually all areas of our life, so I thought I would expand on the concept.

As I mentioned in that original post, the Vital Pyramid consists of four components… Mindset, Tactics (and Principles), Skills and Kit (Tools).

In combatives training, we want to have the mindset that we will prevail at any cost, we learn principles such as hit first and hit hard, we develop skills necessary to execute our tactics, and we use kit for our training, or to enhance our ability to prevail during a fight.

These components can be employed in how we live our daily lives, our jobs, businesses, etc.  I’m going to take the time to discuss how.

The Vital Pyramid Lifestyle

Many people would have more success achieving their goals if they employed this Vital Pyramid concept to their daily lives.

Consider the issue of losing weight.

In America, over 42% of Americans are obese by CDC guidelines.  Now, while I take issue with the CDC’s reliance on the Body Mass Index to arrive at this figure, it is clear just by going to the grocery store that the U.S. has an obesity issue.

As a result of this issue, there is an entire “weight loss” industry worth billions of dollars.

This has been the case since I can remember… Weight Watchers was founded in 1963, before I was born.

Back then, obesity was nowhere near the issue it is today, yet here we are… the problem is worse.



It really all boils down to Mindset.

While most obese people want to lose weight, they haven’t developed the mindset necessary to achieve that goal.

Remember when I discussed the idea of Mindset in regard to self-defense/combatives?  You must have the mindset that you will do whatever it takes to prevail.

It is really that simple.

The problem is, we let other things distract us from achieving our goals.

Back to the weight loss model… many people get off track when their friends ask them to go out, or when holiday season arrives.

This is the excuse to go back to many of the bad habits that lead to obesity… poor eating habits, over indulgence, and for many, alcohol consumption.

The same is true in regard to people failing to achieve their goals at work, achieving success in their business, or even becoming a better golfer.

Most people simply don’t have the mindset to do what is necessary.


If you want to lose weight, there are two basic principles that must be followed… proper diet and exercise.

You simply won’t lose weight permanently without making changes to your diet, and sticking to a proper exercise program.

Most people on the weight loss roller coaster only focus on diet.  They either try the latest fad diet, or they restrict their calories to some ridiculous, unsustainable level.

It works for a few weeks or months, and then they fall of the wagon.  Before long they are heavier than before.

Appropriate tactics and principles must also be applied to other areas of your life to achieve success.

For instance, if you create a new, amazing and fantastic product, there is no way you will achieve success without getting the word out.  This requires intelligent advertising and marketing.

If you want success as an investor in small apartment buildings, you must get control of operating expenses and attain rent levels high enough to generate profit.


In order to apply the tactics and principles necessary to achieve your goals, you need to develop certain skills.

In the weight loss/fitness example, you’ll need skills for putting together a proper diet and you need to develop skills to perform certain exercises.

In real estate investing, you need skills for identifying a good market to invest in, identifying solid tenants and for property maintenance.

If you want to get ahead in business or in your job, you need to develop skills that are in demand.

Skill development requires time and practice, and in many cases, patience.

Most people want immediate results, and lose patience when those results are not achieved quickly.

This is why everything falls back to Mindset.  The proper mindset is required to patiently develop the skills necessary to achieve your goals.


Your toolkit is simply what can help you achieve your goals.  However, many people rely to heavily on tools, thinking they are the answer.

Back to the weight loss example… a type of diet is simply a tool for helping you lose weight.

But, without the proper mindset, that tool will be worthless because you will misuse it.

Most golfers are also looking for the latest and greatest training aid to help them hit the ball better or to become a better putter.

Again, however, these training aids are simply ways to help you develop your skills.  If you don’t use the tools properly, you will not get the results you desire.

Final Thoughts – Vital Pyramid

As you can see, this concept of the Vital Pyramid can be applied in all aspects of your life.  It is an excellent model to follow if you want to achieve success in any endeavor you pursue.