Since the early morning hours of November 9, 2016, the Democrat Party in the United States of America has been on a singular mission…to take down Donald Trump.

First, they tried to take him down as President-Elect Donald Trump.  Remember that push to overturn electoral votes in a few states where the results were fairly close?

Then, the Obama administration utilized the Intelligence Community to set the stage for undermining the incoming Trump Administration with a false narrative of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia.

Once the Obama team was out of office, the Deep State bureaucracy took charge.  They took out General Michael Flynn, Trump’s pick for National Security Advisor.

Then, after Trump rightfully fired FBI Director James Comey (which the Democrats themselves were calling for immediately after Hillary’s defeat), the Deep State went into action and forced the naming of a Special Counsel, Robert Mueller to investigate Trump for obstruction of justice.

All the while that Mueller was investigating, other fake scandals were brought forth by the Democrats… Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels, and then who could forget the circus surrounding the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court?

All of these activities have failed, and now the Democrats and their Deep State connivers switched gears and have tried to create a new scandal involving Ukraine.

At every turn, the Democrats have opposed this president.  Yet, from Baltimore to Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles, their districts, cities and states are rotting.  These are all Democrat strongholds, but look at what has happened to those cities?

Where are the Democrats on illegal immigration?  Where are they on the opioid crisis?  Where are they on the suicide problem involving our veterans?  Where are they on trying to improve our healthcare system after they literally destroyed it with Obamacare?

Nowhere to be found.

Why?  Because they are still having a temper tantrum over the 2016 election.

And, why else are they having this tantrum?  Because President Donald J. Trump is exposing the rot in Washington, DC.

That rot is on both sides of the aisle.  Which is why he’s also been opposed by some members of his own party (Mitt Romney, I’m looking at you), protecting their own self-interests.

Because of all of this, I’ve decided to play my part in fighting back against all this corruption.  I have not come to this decision lightly.  I’ve been thinking about it for months.  It may have a negative effect on both my personal and business life.

And, just an FYI, I did not vote for President Trump in 2016.

Nope, as an independent with a libertarian streak, I voted for the woeful Gary Johnson.  Why?  I live in deep blue Maryland, so a vote for Trump would be a waste here.  I was hoping that Johnson could reach the 5% threshold that would allow the Libertarian Party to get public funding in the next presidential election cycle.

I left the Republican Party in 2004 due to my opposition to the Iraq War, and since I felt there was too much influence on the party by a certain wing.  I am an independent who embraces capitalism, liberty and freedom.  I never believe that government has the best solutions.

Like many independents, I was initially put off by Trump’s schtick, and particularly his use of Twitter.  But, then I realized that, it was one of only a few tools he has available to get his message across to the people.

Think of this… ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, PBS, Washington Post, New York Times, etc, are all lined up against President Trump, as is a few of the people on Fox News.

Harvard conducted a study early on in his presidency indicating that the percentage of news stories about Trump and his administration were over 90% negative out of NBC.

No president has ever had to face a media onslaught like this.  As a result, there has been constant bad information reported by the mainstream media about Trump over the last several years.

I literally cannot think of one single story involving President Trump that was positive toward him, that had to be retracted or corrected.

On the other hand, there have literally been dozens, if not hundreds of stories about Trump that were negative that were proven to be false.

This entire Ukraine issue is now just the latest example.

With all this in mind, in the coming days and weeks, and possibly even longer if necessary, I will be writing about what I feel has been the biggest political scandal in the history of the United States, and that is the ongoing effort of the Washington DC establishment/mainstream media complex/intelligence community/Democrat part effort to take out Donald Trump.

I am going to do this because it has become all too clear that the vast majority of people have not followed this effort closely, as they only pay attention to the headlines.

I will be reporting nothing but facts…there will be no speculation on my part.  Everything I write about will be in the public record.

With that said, I can’t do all this alone.  It is up to my readers to share the information I present with friends and family.

Thanks for reading.

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