The Self Defense Company

Lookin’ sharp at my old kung fu school!

Those who know me well know that I studied kung fu back in the day.  I studied long enough to earn my blackbelt.  However, I stopped my training to focus on teaching golf (I simply stopped going to classes, but continued to train on my own).

Once I moved down to Maryland, I stopped teaching golf to focus more attention on my appraisal business.  There is also a pretty large supply of instructors here in Montgomery County, and the county controls who teaches at their public golf courses.  As a result, I haven’t pursued teaching golf much here.

For a few years, I’ve considered teaching martial arts.  However, I knew I could not take the time to become certified by my great instructor in Pennsylvania, so I’ve been looking at other avenues.

Recently, I discovered The Self Defense Company while browsing the internet.  I looked at some of the free training, and was duly impressed.

Damian Ross founded the company in 1992.  He’s been studying the martial arts for a long time, but he understood that most people simply don’t have the time to dedicate to studying a martial art.

He created The Self Defense Company to fulfill that need.

The Self Defense Company provides a Self Defense Training System that anyone can learn, even from the comfort of their own home.

The tactics and techniques presented in the online training are very practical, and focused on surviving and escaping any encounter.

The Self Defense Company also offers instructors in some locations, and if you can’t find an instructor near you, you can work with one online as you go through the curriculum.

As I mentioned, I studied kung fu for about eight years, and I learned a ton.  Learning a martial art like that is definitely a gratifying experience.  However, it takes a lot of time and training to become proficient.

The Self Defense Training System offered by The Self Defense Company is different in that it keeps things simple.  This is necessitated by the fact that during any dangerous encounter, instincts will kick in.  As such, basic techniques are what is needed to handle such encounters.

You can learn these tactics and techniques quickly, and then simply practice them to become proficient.  No complicated martial arts forms are involved.

The bottom line is that I highly recommend The Self Defense Company training to anyone who is interested in learning how to protect themselves and their family.

I recommend it so much, that I’ve become one of their instructors!  To learn more, click here… The Self Defense Company.

Thanks for reading!