Vital PyramidIn recent posts I’ve been covering the concept of The Vital Pyramid, as it is now the overall theme for this blog.

In this post, I want to move further up the pyramid to discuss Skill Development.

In every endeavor you pursue, there will be a number of skills you will need to develop in order to have any chance at success.

Skills are necessary to execute the tactics and principles in everything you pursue, whether it’s your job, winning a fight, or playing golf.

You can have the best mindset in the world, and knowledge of the principles and tactics needed to be successful, but without the appropriate skills, you are still going to find it difficult to succeed.

This is where training comes into play.

One of the most basic principles for winning a street fight is to hit first.  However, in order to do that, you have to develop the skills needed to KNOW when it is appropriate for you to strike.

Just randomly hitting someone you are arguing with will land you in jail.

At the same time, missing the cues that someone is about to hit you will result in you getting hit first.

Mindset and Skill Development

Skills may be acquired in a variety of ways, such as attending a university, getting lessons, or on your own through self-study.

Skill development requires practice, which often translates into work that may be boring to some people.  Other people relish practice.

Mindset plays a key role in the development of the skills needed to succeed in the activity you are pursuing.

If practice bores you, you may need to dig a little bit deeper to develop the discipline needed to practice enough to develop sufficient skills.

For people who simply enjoy practice, this will not be the case.

As an instructor, it is important to determine the type of student you are dealing with to help them develop their skills.

For students who relish practice, there is not much incentive that you need to provide to them.

But, for students who don’t enjoy it, you’ll need to be creative and come up with ways that make practice more enjoyable to them.

Final Thoughts – Skill Development

I just wanted to take a brief moment to discuss this idea of skill development.  As I mentioned, with every endeavor you pursue, there will be certain skills you need to acquire in order to excel.

For the topics I will be covering going forward, I will expand quite a bit upon the skills needed, particularly pertaining to self protection and different areas of investing.

In general, there will often be skills you need to develop, where the practice needed to become proficient will bore you.  This is just a fact of life.

However, it is quite clear that the people who practice the most tend to be the most successful, all else being equal.

Now, get to work!