Last year, as the Covid-19 pandemic was getting into full swing, President Trump suggested that he was taking Hydroxychloroquine as a precaution.

Soon after, the media began reporting on deaths of people taking the cheap medication, and then Anthony Fauci suggested that it was not an effective treatment.

Doctors such as Simone Gold, founder of America’s Frontline Doctors were shunned by the media and shut down on social media for championing the use of Hydroxychloroquine as part of a protocol for treating infected patients.

In recent days we are seeing reports that, the medication has indeed been effective in treating patients with Covid-19, even thoughs placed on ventilators.

The media response in the Spring of 2020 to the possibility that this cheap drug could be effective in treating patients with this dreaded virus was all due to their hatred of President Trump.

All it took for them to pile on was the go ahead from Fauci, who was clearly an Anti-Trump DC bureaucrat.

And, now, here we are, over 500,000 deaths later, with reports that this medication (along with others such as Ivermectin) could’ve saved thousands of lives.

The Trump Derangement Syndrome has turned the legacy media into a completely unreliable source of information.

This is a shame since most people still get their news from the legacy media in one form or another.

Time after time, the media has made huge mistakes in their reporting, all because there is an underlying agenda to spin the narrative a certain way.

I no longer rely on a single media source for my information.

I use my Twitter feed as my news source, understanding that there will likely be a slant to an article, one way or another, depending upon where the article is published.

Therefore, if something piques my interest, I look for another source to confirm the information.

Follow the money

This brings me to another point.

In order to understand whether you need to dig further for the truth or not, you must now consider the financial ramifications for the principals involved.

There was a ton of money at stake in the treatment of Covid-19.

The drug Remdesivir costs $3,000 for a treatment.  Trump was treated with that along with other medications once he became sick with Covid-19.  (I have read he may have also received Ivermectin, which like Hydroxychloroquine, costs less than a Big Mac, but I do not have confirmation).

Billions of dollars were at stake.

People became millionaires and billionaires almost overnight as Moderna stock shot to the moon (Pfizer has not done nearly as well).

But, nobody could make any money off cheap drugs that have been around for decades for other uses.

The fact that people like Fauci and the FDA did not approve the use of these cheaper drugs as treatments for Covid-19 tells you all you need to know.

The government is in the business of choosing winners and losers, and the winners circle is a small club.

You’re on your own

No matter what type of business you own, or type of job you have, you are at the mercy of the government.

The government response to the Covid-19 pandemic has made it completely clear that you can be shut down and destroyed “for the greater good.”

With a more DC centric regime back in charge, your hard earned money is viewed as theirs to do with as they please.

Instead of protecting our southern border, DC now wants to send money to the corrupt governments in the countries their citizens are fleeing.

Hundreds of millions of dollars will be given away, but the flow of immigrants will not be stopped.

I don’t blame them for seeking a better life, but giving American tax dollars to corrupt government leaders is not a solution.

Crime has gone up across the country, as many local governments have made it clear that putting people in jail is no longer a solution for dealing with crime.

Inflation has risen drastically as a result of government enforced shutdowns disrupting supply chains, followed by money printing we haven’t seen since WWII.

DC is also no longer interested in keeping America energy independent.  Biden stopped construction of Keystone XL, and now that project has been abandoned altogether.

Meanwhile, he waived the sanctions for the Russian pipeline to supply energy to Europe.

So, not only will American tax dollars continue to be used to provide military protection to our European allies, our allies will be buying energy from the country we are supposedly protecting them from.

What you need to do

In my view, and the view of many people who’ve made a living paying close attention to the markets and economy, it’s just a matter of when the economy tanks again.

We’ve had two major recessions in the last twenty years, not including the Covid-19 blip.

The reaction of DC has continued to be massive spending and financial engineering by the Fed.

Everything is now out of whack.

Therefore, it’s critical that people diversify their assets, skills and incomes, and take the steps necessary to protect what they have.

I don’t know when this next major bear market in stocks will occur (which will tank the economy), but it’s coming.  I’ve never seen so much raw speculation and volatility in individual instruments.

That’s a sign of too much money chasing too little stuff.  That usually ends badly.

And that’s the end of today’s rant!

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