I posted on Facebook a few weeks ago that for the first time, I had written down my goals for the year.  Some of those goals involved my fitness.

I’ve always worked out quite a bit, and especially so in the last year.  But, I found that I was not achieving my basic goal of losing the fat I’ve been carrying around for too long.

While I’ve never been considered obese, like many people my age, it was easy to lose track and make excuses.  Each year I seemed to gain a little more, even while working out harder and more often each year.

In this age of Covid-19, it’s even more important for everyone to improve their fitness, so this year, I actually wrote down my goals.

I’ve since come to realize that my fitness goals were too focused on numbers.

No, I did not specify a specific figure for a weight loss goal.  However, I did come up with some goals as far as performance numbers.

Upon, further review, I’ve decided to ditch those numbers, because I didn’t think they were helpful to my overall fitness goals.

I’ve since revised my goals to be less concerned with numbers, and more concerned with general ideas.

These general ideas have also evolved over the last couple of months, based on what I saw was a lack of results.

The general goals include eating better, getting stronger, and getting leaner.

If I accomplish each of these general goals each month, then the numbers will take care of themselves.

My current fitness formula

Right now, my primary concern is getting stronger.  This was after a period where I tried to get stronger while also trying to get into better combative condition.

What I found was that, I was getting in better condition, but, I was not gaining any strength.

So, for the last three weeks, I’ve focused almost entirely on strength training, while being sure to keep a close eye on what I am eating each day.

Yes, I started counting calories a bit, and I am also trying to eat enough protein to help build the muscle.

By doing this, I already feel a bit leaner, and I’ve also noticeably increased my strength.

The funny thing is, I am not focused on lifting heavy weight.  Instead, I am more concerned with volume, and exhausting the muscles.

At nearly 55 years old, this is a better formula, since lifting heavy often involves a lapse in form, which can result in injury.

When you are injured, you can’t train, and therefore, you can’t achieve your goals.

This coming week, my schedule will look like this…

Monday – Chest and triceps

Tuesday – Back and biceps

Wednesday – Shoulders and abs

Thursday – Legs

I typically start each workout day with a few sets of compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups, rather than a single muscle group.

For instance, on chest and tricep day, I will do a few sets of bench press, which works both the chest and triceps, before moving onto more specific chest and tricep exercises.

Each workout lasts about 45 minutes, but I keep up the intensity most of the time.  There is not much sitting and resting.

By the end of each session, my muscles are thoroughly exhausted, and I typically have some soreness for a couple days after.

Current diet

With the diet, there is not much variety going on.  My primary source of protein is chicken (chicken breasts) along with Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein Powder.

Some days I eat shrimp, salmon, or steak to get more variety in the protein.  I am not much of a veggie eater, so I drink some v8 and will eat a couple salads each week.

I also eat Wheat Chex for my cereal and I eat some Atkins protein bars.  Lastly, most of my other carbs are provided by white rice.

I should note that I drink half a pot of coffee most mornings, lol.  I use 1/2 and 1/2, about one tablespoon, and sweeten it with Stevia.

Based upon my age and current weight, my BMR is about 1,772 calories.  My work involves sitting at a desk, so most of my physical activity involves my time working out.

Therefore, I figure my daily calorie needs are about 2,400 to 2,600 calories, so I try to consume around 2,200 to 2,400 calories per day.  One day per week, I have a cheat day where I eat what I want, but I still try to keep the consumption in check.

Thus, my fitness formula for now involves more intense strength training and a more conscious effort at paying attention to the diet.

I should note that I have not lost a single pound since the beginning of the year, but as I said, I am definitely stronger, feeling leaner, and I feel better overall.

My intent is to focus only on the strength training through the end of March, then I will begin to add back in more of the conditioning in the Spring (I still do a little bit of conditioning in the form of plyometrics, calisthenics and some heavy bag work, but very little for now).

If you haven’t begun a fitness program, there is no time like the present.  Don’t let another day go by.

THIS is your personal healthcare program, to keep your ass out of the hospital.

There really is no excuse to not workout regularly.  Yet, our country has an obesity rate over 40% now.

Lastly, for the ladies… start lifting weights, especially if you are over 50.  Strength training will help improve your bone density.

Below are some of the pieces of equipment I am using in my garage gym (or something similar).

Thanks for reading!